Since I’ve been creating videos about my paintings, a very long list has developed and as painting allotments is something I’ve always done and always really enjoyed, I’m really pleased that finally, this subject has come to the top.

A set of six Greetings cards

Greetngs cards by liam ofarrell 2

You can buy this set of greetings cards here


A painting of an allotment in Pilton SomersetYou can buy this painting here

You can buy a limited edition of this painting here

In the video I will also feature me painting this composting toilet in the allotment in my home village of Pilton.

A painting of a digger in an allotmentYou can buy this painting as a limited edition print her

What is an allotment?

An allotment is a sort of community garden where each person is allotted a certain amount of space where they can grow their own fruits, vegetables, and some flowers for non-commercial purposes.

So essentially that means growing food for you and your family, this tradition is very ancient here in the UK and goes right back to Anglo-Saxon times.


In modern times, it could be argued our communities don’t live on our streets anymore. They live on our phones. So allotments, especially in a very big city, could provide the vital human contact many of us need.

You get to meet people and there are some wonderful characters. Which is perfect for me because I get to observe, draw and paint them living their day-to-day lives.

Tea for one oil painting of allotmentYou can buy this painting as a limited edition print her

The city allotment of Portsmouth

Part of the video features a very large allotment in Portsmouth, a particularly congested City, although not here of course. This allotment has the visual advantage of being right by the sea and it was this view that inspired the painting below.

The Allotment showYou can buy this painting as a limited edition print here

It features a group of allotmenteers carrying their Bounty to the allotment show in the hope of winning a prize. I don’t know whether they won anything, but I did well out of it all as this painting was featured at the Royal Academy summer exhibition in London.

I have painted the allotment in Pilton, where I currently live, as well. In the foreground I focused on the flowers in close-up, and then stretched through to  the hills beyond and then to the very far trees to give an idea of the scale. I produced a very large painting for this, so you can see lots of that fussy detail I so enjoy here.

Pilton Allotment PaintingYou can buy this painting as a limited edition print here

You can buy this painting here

Pilton is a lovely place for an allotment and I confess it’s the only place where I actually had an allotment myself. I was really looking forward to growing my own food. However, I made an absolute hash of it. I would look away for two seconds, and then my crops would be replaced by weeds. In fact, the only thing I ever successfully grew were carrots and even then, I’m not entirely convinced any of it was down to me as they were planted by the person it previously belonged to. So now I just stick to painting them.

A print of a man and wife in the allotmentYou can buy this painting as a limited edition print here

In conclusion

Allotments are fantastic places for growing good, healthy food and they’re great for developing Communities. They’re also great for your mental health and brilliant for physical exercise, especially for older people.

As long as these places still exist, I will keep painting them.

A painting of Waiting in an AllotmentYou can buy this painting as a limited edition print here

The Poision Garden paintingYou can buy this painting as a limited edition print here

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