A fictional scene based on the many traveller caravans situated around the foot of Glastonbury Tor in Somerset.
At it’s core, the painting is a celebration of the idea that happiness is about fulfilling and celebrating our needs rather than the mere accumulation of what we want or desire.
You can buy a limited edition print of The Caravan here.
Almost all the plants in the painting are common weeds such as the much-hated bindweed. You can also find Buddleia, known as the Butterfly plant. You can find Buddleia along railways lines and derelict sites all over the UK. When we had a house in Hackney in East London, I noticed a Buddleia growing out of a gutter at the top of the house. I was most reluctant to get rid of it.
In amongst the weeds, I’ve thrown in a dilapidated, somewhat ragged old chair, and provided a musical touch via a hand-cranked gramophone. For those who want to dance, there is a disco ball to jive beneath. What’s not to like?
The original of this painting currently hangs in the bar of The Crown Inn, Pilton, Somerset. Whilst there you can have a decent beer and very good meal.