Sign up to my newsletter to enter a free draw to win my signed, original painting of A corner shop in Corfe Village, Dorset worth £160,
This painting is 26cm x 18cm, signed & mounted on acid-free card. Newsletter sent 30th November 2023
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Corfe Village Shop
If you have such a powerful castle such as Corfe Castle, you will always gain a substantial community huddling in the safety of its shadow. And Corfe village grew along with the castle.
Much of the century village has been preserved, now making it’s trade through tourism rather than farming. I rooted around the village for something to paint, considering the Church of St. Edward for a while, but in the end I decided on a village shop.
Outside there was a sign which proclaimed ‘350 different types of Gin!’. Prior to getting down to work, I had a quick look inside.
Yes they had the usual staples like washing up liquid, tins of food, sweets etc. etc., but it was fair to say that most of the shelves were dominated by about 350 different types of gin.
Cromwell would not have approved…
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I am already signed up but know Corfe Welland would like to be included. Thanks
Yea please
Yes please.
Yes please.
Hi I’m already signed up.
Yes please Liam. Please note different email address.
I love your handling of the sky in this painting. It’s beautiful.
Liam, what happened to your messages? Just now saw you in Twitter, so thought I’d say hello …
Love the Dorset painting, know it’s already gone, but pls keep me in mind for future drawings!
Thanks and hope you’re well.
Best wishes and Happy New Year!
Elan Durham
I sent the newsletter out a few weeks back! You are still on the list. Maybe in the spam folder?