Sign up to my newsletter to enter a free draw to win my signed, original painting of All Saints’ Church, Nunney, Somerset worth £160,

This painting is 15cm x 14.5cm, signed & mounted on acid-free card. Newsletter sent 5th October 2023

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A bit about Nunney in Somerset

Nunney is a picturesque village nestled in the heart of Somerset. At its centre stands Nunney Castle, a 14th-century fortress characterised by its striking moat and well-preserved ruins. The 17th century incumbent fell out with Oliver Cromwell who had it destroyed.

Nevertheless, this medieval gem, constructed by a knight called John de la Mare under a royal licence issued in 1373, showcases the architectural finesse of the era, making it a captivating attraction for history enthusiasts.

The water in the painting is part of the moat that can now be crossed by a wooden footbridge.

Nunney is a great place to visit and for walking. I often visit the coffee shop and sit by the moat or a nearby stream to pass the afternoon away and, of course, I like to pull out the watercolours and paint the Grade 1 listed, 12th century church where many lords of the castle lay buried.


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