Voodoo Doughnut bar in Portland Oregon
Other painting stories

A painting of Postman’s Park in The City of London
Postman’s Park has always intrigued me. In the past, I would occasionally stumble upon this wonderful space while walking through the City of London. However, it was always by chance, and I could never locate it again. Its exact location—and even its name—remained a mystery. So, I was delighted earlier this year when a clientRead more…

An exhibition of paintings and limited edition prints at The Crown pub in Pilton Somerset.
I have an exhibition of paintings and limited-edition prints at The Crown Pub in Pilton, Somerset. The exhibtion is located at the rear of the pub and upstairs in the main function room gallery. There is a wide price range and handy, easy-to-buy, QR codes. The subject matter is pretty wide – you mayRead more…

A painting of Regents Canal, East London to win in my next newsletter sent on the 28th-Nov-24
Sign up to my newsletter to enter a free draw to win my signed, original painting of Regents Canal, East London worth £160, This painting is 30cm x 22cm, signed & mounted on acid-free card. Newsletter sent 28th-November-24. Sign up to my newsletter here I look forward to your sign-up in the box on thisRead more…