I worked with the Architects Woodside Park Commercial Centre to help put together a successful bid by providing architectural illustration to build a residential park with over 100 dwellings.

WPCC felt that if they were to make a successful bid, then they needed to propose initial designs that were sympathetic to the current environment. A key part of this was to develop an attractive look and feel, facing the main road in front of the site.

Woodside visual Architectural illustration

The initial architectural ideas and drawings of the site

After researching the local architecture, we set to work developing the frontage on Catteshall Road.

We were aiming to produce a hand drawn architectural painting with plenty of characters that would deliver a sense of community rather than the usual computer generated visual that some feel can look a little sterile.

We were aiming to strike a balance between something visually very stimulating, and something realistic enough which would fit into the space provided.

This meant many simple black and white drawings being swapped back and forth.

Woodside drawing of Architectural illustration

Very broad ideas at first, though slowly these were amended and trimmed, until WPCC felt that we had something that struck the fine balance we were looking for.

inital Woodside drawing of Architectural illustration

The final Architectural illustration

Woodside final Architectural illustration

Due to the robust work we all did on the initial ideas, by the time it came to do the final illustration, it was clear what needed to be done. I worked steadily through the final piece and it was signed off with minimal amends.

final Architectural illustration

The Successful bid for the residential park

The bid was delivered on time, and after a number of revisions and additions (including housing at the front of the site) the bid was successful and, WPCC were granted the outline planning they were seeking.

In conclusion

It was a most enjoyable project to work on, especially the teamwork, ideas were developed that make decent homes and communities to live in. And that’s always a good thing.

Client testimonial

‘After seeing some of Liam’s unique work on previous schemes, we approached him with an enquiry to draw up a street scene for a development project in the Surrey area for 100 dwellings.

Liam quickly engrossed himself in our requests and conceptualised our requirements with some initial line sketch drawings, suggesting and collating ideas which we ourselves had not considered. We were extremely happy with the finished painting, and although our brief changed several times during the project, he was happy to make any changes we requested.

We look forward to working with him again.’

Oliver Trendle
Woodside Park Commercial Centre






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