I am pleased to say that my recent work “Waiting’ successfully made it into the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition this year. (click on the image to view it larger)

The opening event was an odd day. I expected to turn up at Burlington House, have a few glasses of wine with the great and the good then finally search the rooms to see if my picture was in a ‘prime place’ to add a further boost to the day.


Not a bit of it. In the square we were all assembled (even the great and the good) only to be trooped over to St James’ Church across Piccadilly for a service of thanks. Such an odd thing to see Tracey Emin singing hymns and behaving impeccably while sporting her RA medal. I felt rather disappointed. A little part of me wanted her to be plastered and do something outrageous in front of the vicar.

I recalled church at school where Brian Hanson always played up and got into trouble. My companions and I would giggle deliciously as he was led out once more by the furious Miss Ferris. Dear old Brian. Naughty in front of God!

Don’t be too good Tracey.


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